There is no need of subscription to use the UbiBot Platform.
Each device comes with the free plan on UbiBot platform that offers 200MB storage and 1GB outbound traffic. The 200MB storage is for lifetime and 1GB of outbound traffic is rotated monthly for each device. But any balance of the outbound traffic will not roll over to the next month. For example, if you have 500 MB outbound traffic unused this month, you still have 1 GB next month.
The free 200MB storage is enough to store over 8 years amount of data in case of your device takes temperature, humidity and light sensor readings every 10 minutes.
You can also pay for larger amount of storage and outbound traffic. Please go to the “Pricing” page to see details.
1 comment
I think that information is incorrect. I have two WS-1 devices for several years and the 200Mb has slowly been used over this time and never refreshed. The Resource Usage" on one device now has "200.0 MB/200.0 MB" / "39.6 kB/1.0 GB" and it has gone offline with the mouse roll over message "Server expired"
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