Please add a probe for very high temperatures
I am a professional ceramist and I really would like to see a temperature sensor that I could put into the kiln to follow the temperature. Combined with the rules and IFTTT capabilities, this would greatly facilitate my job. Some other makers propose products that can (at least on the paper) do this, but these products are a bit expensive, and above all their apps are very buggy and user-unfriendly (based on my own experience).
Typical temperature range would be 0 to 1300/1400 Celsius degrees (but 200~1400 or 300-1400 degrees range would be acceptable) with no more than 10-degree error especially in high temperatures (I mean that this probe should be accurate especially in high temperatures more than 800 degrees. Having larger error tolerance for lower temperatures (less than 400 Celsius degrees) would not be such a handicap.
If you could propose such a high-temperature sensor with a long heat-resistant cable, I am sure that many other ceramists would appreciate... (and not only ceramists). Many other sensor makers propose such probes but they are not compatible with your devices.
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Hi there
Can you please contact us sales team to discuss further?
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