Manual alert clear and improved local alarms
AnsweredIn some critical cases, it's important to have alerts require active acknowledgement. It's not enough to know that things are OK now, or have to look in emails/sms/etc - you need on-the-spot (at the device) knowledge that something happened earlier. The simplest way to ensure this is to have alerts stick until an action such as pressing a physical button on the device, or a button in the app/console.
A scenario is using the device to monitor humidity/temp in an electronics component storage cabinet. If the conditions go outside the required range then you don't want anyone to use the components until the alert has been reviewed, possibly taking some actions to make them suitable for use again.
Additionally, helping this, improved local alarms - you sometimes want the alert to appear right where it's most physically relevant - the device itself:
1. Visual alarm on the device. '!' display on the LCD, flash the LED red or something.
2. Extended audible alerts on the device. Maybe up to every 10s, short beeps, perhaps with fallback to a longer interval after x alarms.
Official comment
Hi there
We have external alarm devices (audio and visual) available which can be attached to WS1P and GS1 series. Please contact your local distributors for demos and information.
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