Random SMS "Sender" Phone Numbers Vs. Single, Consistent Number
You have a great platform & I'm thinking up new uses for it all of the time.
As it is now, all SMS messages are SENT from random phone numbers.
If these messages were sent from the same number (same number for all users would work...), then we could add this number to our contacts, white-list the number to bypass Do Not Disturb rules, and all messages from our sensors would be collected under the same SMS "Discussion Thread" on our phones.
Please take a look & let us know if it's possible.
Thank you!!
Official comment
Hi Franko,
Thank you for your interest in our products and your excellent suggestions. At present, we use an agent operator to send SMS messages. They will often change the number to avoid sending too many messages and the number will be identified as spam and blocked. We will also continue to communicate with the agent for a better solution. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience right now.Sincerely,
UbiBot Team -
We would also like to have the alert come from the same phone number
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