Temperature Reporting/Display
The WS1 digital face does not display temperature correctly as it does not display the number 2 in the value of hundreds. I use this for sterilization tracking and after 199 it displays 100 again. The app/online platform does display value correctly - and alerts are being alerted correctly.
In Rules for temperature alerts "value" setting is displayed at "F" but is actually "C". Once you confirm the rule/alert the value changes from C to F. To set the value you have to enter Celsius degrees in order to get the correct F degrees. Otherwise by entering F you'll get the wrong temperature setting once the rule is confirmed.
Online portal external temperature probe graph reads graph values at F but the top in the overall display it takes that value and turns it into C. My external probe was reading at 209F but the top value of the graph was saying 409 degrees.
It is calculating by converting F to F by using a Celsius conversion formula. Celsius should be lower than Fahrenheit at that temperature. My probe is reading 121 degrees F, and the control panel label shows 251 degrees.
121 x 9/5 + 32 = 251.
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