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Alexa - read other temperature channels



  • Official comment

    Dear customers,

    We have received a number of inquiries about this feature.

    we will discuss about this with our technical team and add this to our to do list.

    Our team is striving for developing superb performance, most compatible products offering ultimate facileness and fun to end users.



  • Fettings Frozen Foods

    same question for google assistant. i have 3 ws1 units. two have just one external probe connected, and when i ask google the temp, it tells me the proper temp at the probe, albeit in C not F, another option i would like to see implemented. however, on my third device, i have 2 probes attached, and when i ask google for the temp on that device, i get the internal temp of the device, not either of the two probe temps. could these probes not be reported to the service as individual results?


  • shielhouse

    This is a bit of a shameless bump of this question.

    It would be really useful to be able to ask Alexa or Google Assistant what were the temperature readings of probes or externally connected temperature devices.

    Any thoughts?

  • nutterguy

    Yup, as far as I can tell there is no way to ask Alexa for more than a single temperature reading from one device. :(


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