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  • Official comment

    Hi there,

    The "Export as CSV" button is working well in our own account both on firefox and Google browser. Could you please describe the issue you've met? You can email us by so that we can reply to you as soon as possible. 

    Please check the screenshot of the web console page.


    Thank you

  • dohoo1

    I have no idea. Exporting data (.csv format) from the Ubibot console should be a very straight forward task but Ubibot seem to have made it impossible (or at least difficult to figure out how to do it). I hope they will respond to this query.  ... Ian

  • cooper2210

    Ubibot Support provided the following to myself which worked:

    To download the CSV file, please go to the Export page in the channel page. The button is on the menu bar.
    By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the download page. Select the timespan, then you are able to download the data.

    Hope this helps.


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