IFTTT Automation Date & Time Triggers
I am testing the bot to trigger actions based on temperature or humidity, however I only require the triggers to occur at certain times during the day. Is there a way of specifying a date and time, as I cannot find this on the IFTTT application.
Official comment
Hi there,
Sorry for the delayed reply.
Do you mean to receive alerts during a certain time of the day? Or, upon my understanding, you want the alert to be triggered at certain time,such as 7:00 on Monday.
If you want to set time to receive alerts during a day, such as from 8 am to 8 pm, you can configurate it at our app. If it's the latter, I'm sorry, this is not available now.
I also needed this function. It's possible by using the apilio.com service! You can have more complex conditions than just one "if this".
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