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Data tagging




  • Official comment

    Hi Matthew

    Thanks again for your suggestions.  This feature will involve additional front-end interaction and storage interfaces to be developed. Shall we wait and see if there is any other users who would like this feature first? 

  • michaelw60

    Hi, I think idea is great. If we can make notes at a specific time when a variable is altered, like moving a sensor or increasing the level of a fan that will be awesome.

    This note was over a year ago so is it now capable of achieving this?

  • Permanently deleted user


    I precisely wanted to post the same request when I saw this post!

    Oh yes, this would be so great and so useful to add the ability to add tags/short comments to data. Of course, these comments/tags should be included in the CSV files for download.

    Please! Please! add this feature! What would be easiest for you: add it to the WEB interface? or to the app? Both would be great, but at least one option would be a significant improvement.

    Also, concerning the CSV files for download: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add the information about any manual calibration! this should not be too hard to do... wouldn't be?



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