UbiBot Rules - Email Alert to include information text box
CompletedOn the UbiBot web console, when creating a new alert that has an Alert Mode of "Email", it would be beneficial to have a text box to include additional information that can be sent within the e-mail.
For example when a "Temperature too hot" alert condition is sent, additional details can be sent to the recipient. Directions to the exact location of the room, or a procedure for the person receiving the e-mail is required to complete once they receive the message.
IE. Call Facility Maintenance, open all doors and windows to the room, check the status of electrical breaker X on panel box, etc.
The IFTTT integration has these free text-box options for email alerts, but the rules don't seem to work the same as the UbiBot based rules. (The recovery notification on the same event is very nice).
Official comment
Just to let you know, this feature is now available on web console panel.
Hi Gord, thanks for your suggestion. This feature has added to our to-do list. I will update this topic when there is new progress.
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